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Touch of Evil by Cecy Robson

Writer's picture: Alisha EadleAlisha Eadle

Updated: May 13, 2024

Touch of Evil

by Cecy Robson

Published by Cecy Robson, LLC

Book 10 in the Weird Girls Series

Book 1 in the Weird Girls: Touch Series

Emme Wird, the healer and powerful telekinetic hasn’t had the best luck with males.

Her sisters have found their mates and their forever loves. After a series of disastrous dates, Emme will settle for a decent meal and polite conversation.  

When the pack member Emme had dinner with is found dead, it is up to Emme and her werewolf pal Bren to solve his murder. But spine-tingling danger and touches with evil have ways of bringing close friends closer in ways neither would have expected.

Could the male Emme has searched for be right in front of her, as he has been all along? Or will evil snatch him away from her, just as it did once before?



Violence, Death


I would like to thank #CecyRobsonLLC for providing me with an #ARC of #TouchofEvil by #CecyRobson, in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Touch of Evil is the tenth book in the Weird Girls series, and the first book in the series from Emme's perspective. When Emme's disastrous date leads to a murder, Emme is paired up with one of her best friends, and longtime crush, Bren, werewolf, and a member of Aric's pack, to figure out who did it, and put a stop to it.

It is not a secret that I love Cecy Robson. I adore the Weird Girls series, as well as her Shattered Past and O'Brien Family Books. So I am not exaggerating that I literally did a small happy dance at work, when I received an email that I was approved for this ARC. That being said, Touch of Evil surprised me. It wasn't bad by any means. Touch of Evil is fun, and reflective of Cecy Robson's incredible imagination. I only have two issues with it: it's length, and it's narrative. Touch of Evil is ... short, compared to the former books. I would classify it as more of a novella than a novel, as I was able to finish it in six hours. As for narrative, I like first person narrative, but it's inconsistant with the previous books. I love that there isn't a long wait between her novels, but I would have been okay to wait longer for an extended, more in depth story. Secondly, whereas the rest of the series is written in past tense, this one is written in present. Not a big deal, but noticeable. It's important to note that Touch of Evil doesn't actually continue from where we left off at the end of Of Flame and Fury, but goes back to the space of time between Of Flame and Light and Of Flame and Fate. So it would have made more sense to stick with a past tense narrative. Touch of Evil is really an explanation for us Weird Girls fans to find out what happened between Bren and Emme.

I'm not going to lie ... I was a little worried about reading a book from Emme's perspective. Celia's POV is fierce and moody, and Taran's is hilarious ... Emme has never really stood out to me. Which makes me feel bad, considering her thoughts and feelings on the matter in the book (and yes ... I feel things over characters. haha.) I was worried she would be boring. Emme's inner thoughts are more interesting than I thought they would be. Do I miss Celia and Taran's perspectives ... yes. But Cecy deciding to add in Bren's perspective as well throughout the book balances out Emme's shy and sweet personality, with his hilarious thoughts and mouth. I love Bren (read his novella A Cursed Moon if you haven't yet), and I won't deny I have been totally looking forward for this book JUST for Bren. There were a few lines where I snorted, or out right laughed, and it all came from him. There was even a moment where I got misty eyed.

While there were a couple of misses for me with Touch of Evil, there was plenty of things I loved about it. Emme's last line in the book refers to Bren not being ready for an "us", but the world is ... and she is right. I honestly can't wait for the next book (where I hope it jumps back to the present timeline, and a longer story line) for more Bren and Emme ... because the taste we get in this book was not enough!



I keep my voice quiet, not wanting whatever is here to hear me.

Emme: "Do you feel that?"

Ted: "Yeah, baby. It feels good. How about you feel it, too?"

Forget it. Ted is on his own.

Shayna: "Dude, you have to put yourself out there."

Taran: "No shit. You want to die a miserable old wench like Mancuso over there?"

she asked, hooking a thumb in our neighbor's direction.

Like a very irate deer, Mrs. Mancuso popped out of the bushes, wielding two very stiff middle fingers instead of antlers.

Shayna: "Aw, Em. I'm so sorry. The important thing is you tried. Just give me a sex to get my sword and be on my way."

Em: "Shayna, no. You don't have to -"

She, of course, ignores me to speak to her monstrosity of a husband, Koda.

Shayna: "Puppy, I'll be right back ... What ... To pick up Emme ... She went out with some guy with three testicles she found on Misha's dating app ... That's right, three ... No, I'm not making this up. Why would I make this up ... Yes, I'm taking a sword ... Well, because he tried to feel up Emme."

The growls that follow are enough to rupture my eardrum.

Shayna: "Koda, no ... no ... I'll take care of it ... Puppy, you stay in bed all sexy like and wait for me."

Shayna drops her voice, whispering low into the phone as if Koda can't hear loud and clear.

Shayna: "We were playing Quaker Oat guy meets Naughty Pulgrim. Between you and me, Koda's getting really good at churning butter -"

More growls followed by several bouts of swearing.

Shayna: "Puppy, don't throw your wig on the floor like that. I paid a lot of money for it ... Emme will not tell everyone abouts the butter churning, will you, Em?"

Em: "I really won't."

Em: "I, ah, sort of threw him out a window."

Shayna: "Yeah?"

Em: "Yes."

I step around a puddle, wishing she hadn't called so soon.

Shayna: "How many stories?"

Em: "Three."

Shayna: "One for each teste?"

She doesn't wait for me to answer.

Shayna: "Seems only fair."

Taran: Did you burn that shit up?

Taran: You should have burned that shit up.

Taran: I would have burned that shit up.

Taran: Son of a bitch.

Taran: Who does he think he is, waving his junk like flags in the wind?

Taran: Hell, he didn't wave those flags in your face, did he?

Taran: That's just nasty.

I will always love Liam. And I will always protect him and the female who won his heart. They deserve as much.

Hopefully, I do, too.

Taran: "Just cause you're looking doesn't mean you rant to ride that cowboy bareback till sunrise."

Em: "How is Danny? It's been a while since I've seen him."

Bren rolls his eyes and lifts a ticket the waitress drops in front of him.

Bren: "He's horny, Emme. That's how he is. He and Heidi are doing it like flying monkeys on the Wicked Witch's broom during a tornado."

Em: "Sorry. I meant to aim for your cheek."

He straightens.

Bren: "You sayin' you wanted to take the glass, that glass -"

He points.

Bren: "-and smash it against my face?"

Humiliation throws me into panic and awkward mode.

Em: "No, no. The kiss. Kissing you. I meant to kiss your cheek. The one on your face."

I added like an imbecile.

I cover my eyes. This is one of the many reasons I tend to stay quiet. Speaking hasn't worked out for me much.

Bren releases a heavy sigh and swipes at this face.

Bren: "Thanks for clearing that up."

He winks.

Bren: "I was sure you wanted to cut my face and kiss my ass."

Em: "Shayna is with Koda."

Bren holds out his hands.

Bren: "Let me guess, Zorro meets shy, virgin, Mexican villager, and Koda ripped the skirt getting it on?"

That was two weeks ago and no, that skirt never stood a chance against Koda's magnificent glutes, I obviously don't say. I clear my throat, trying to remain elusive.

Em: "They're having some time alone at the house, yes."

Em: "I made it clear he was out of line when I threw him out the window -"

Bren regards me as if he doesn't recognize me.

Bren: "You threw him out the window?"

Em: "Yes?"

Bren leans in and smiles with enough warmth to melt the ice cubes in my glass. The annoyance darkening his features skitters away, leaving only the wolf I know and adore.

Bren: "That's my girl."

Shit. I think I killed her with my hotness.

Damn my sexiness to hell.

Emme turns a lighter shade of pale.

Em: "Ted's ... dead?"

Bren: "Totally."

I lean in, whispering low.

Bren: "That wasn't you, was it?"

Her jaw pops open.

Em: "No."

I hold out a hand.

Bren: "Because if it was, you could tell me. We've got you, and it's not like Aric won't cover for you."

Em: "Bren, I didn't kill Ted."

Bren: "Or rip him to pieces, like, on accident?"

Em: "There's something we need to talk about."

Shit. Here we go.

Why'd you kiss me, Bren?

Why are you such a slut, Bren?

Can I straddle you in the next side street, Bren?

Oh, Bren. Oh, Bren. Oh, Bren!

I'll admit, the last few thoughts may have been uncalled for.

Em: "I was sort of distracted at the bar."

Because my tongue was waving hello to your tonsils? I can respect that.

Bren: "Let me get this straight. A dark presence tried to kill you at Ted's ..."

Em: "I never said it tried to kill me."

Bren: "... and when it couldn't, it followed you to the Hole?"

Emme ignores my escalating growls.

Em: "No. This wasn't the same thing I sensed at Ted's. That thing was dangerous. What appeared to follow me seemed lost, confused, and maybe a little scared."

Bren: "Are you telling me you felt sorry for the scary thing that followed you?"

Koda: "Did you hear me, numb buts?"

Bren: "No, bitch. The reception is bad. Repeat, asshole. I said, repeat."

Em: "Are you ... blushing?"

Bren: "Fuck no. Wolves don't fucking blush. Just windy is all. Fucking bastard wind. Always shows up when you don't fucking need it. Fuck."

Bren: "You all right?"

Em: "No. My skin is crawling."

I help her out of my flannel and give it a shake.

Bren: "No worries, it's just the bugs. Hey, look. These two are stuck together at the ass."

She glares at me. This time, it's not so cute.

Em: "I think it's intentional, Bren."

I give them another look.

Bren: "Oh, yeah."

I elbow her playfully.

Bren: "Must be mating season down here at the lake."

Em: "Why are you like this?"

I look around, like she can't be possibly talking to me.

Bren: "Why am I like what?"

She stamps her little foot and shovers her hands on her hips.

Em: "Makes. I mean males. This is disgusting, Bren."

My wolf agrees, still, I hold my ground, growing defensive.

Bren: "Don't blame me. It's not my spunk spraying the walls and ceiling -"

She gasps.

Em: "Oh, my God. It's on the ceiling?"

Bren: "I'm exaggerating."

I glance up, hoping that it's just some king of freak oil stain blurring the ceiling.

Bren: "Maybe."

Bren: "What the hell is this shit? Is that vamp fucking a fish?"

Em: "Um."

Okay, where to begin.

Bren backs us away.

Bren: "Holy shit. He is fucking a fish."

Bren: "I leave you alone for fifteen fucking seconds and this is the shit I find you in? Fish girl and leech boy going at it -"

Gerald stops feeding just to yell at him.

Gerald: "I need to eat, man."

Bren: "-and a naked mouse with hooters watching the show. This is some PT Barnum freak show, Emme. We're getting out of here, now. Guardian of the Earth or not, I draw the line at this bullshit. Christ, I thought you were dead."

Bren: "Damn. It's like tuning into some twisted Discovery channel documentary. You sure they're not fucking?"

I glance around Bren's super-sized body. All of Merche's limbs are flailing as Gerald sucks and pulls at the skin along her throat.

Em: "No, just feeding."

I tilt my head.

Em: "Can't you see them from here?"

Bren: "Emme, it's not that I can't see them, it's that I don't want to like, ever. This shit is messed up two times past Tuesday. If I look, I'll puke. Do you know how bad it has to be for a werewolf to puke?"

Gerald: "I don't want to die. No way, not like this. Not under the damn water like a punk, and not after I sucked a fish."

Bren: "I can respect that."

Bren: "Yup. Definitely should have ran away like bitches and hid from this shit."

Fish Girl: "Is the Head Witch nice, like Emme says, wolf? Do you think the Great Genevieve will spare us?"

Bren: "Are you kidding? Genevieve's a bitch. She'll skin you alive and use your hide for dinner napkins."

Emme gasps.

Em: "Bren!"

She speaks through her teeth.

Em: "I'm on the phone with her right now and she can hear you."

Bren: "Oh."

I scratch my beard.

Bren: "Waddup, girlfriend?"

I swipe my face and think of horses. Wild horses, galloping through a field of wheat. Except those damn horses only want to make me ride Emme.

Yeah, that mind over matter thing is just a bunch of bullshit.

Taran: "Well, you probably know why I'm calling."

Emme stirs beside me and stretches. The sheet covering her slips down and exposes her breast.

Bren: "It was an accident."

I blurt out. There's a rather dramatic and irate pause on the other end.

Taran: "What was an accident?"

Bren: "I don't fucking know. Whatever you're asking about."

Em: "Is everything all right? You seem stressed."

No biggie. I'm just about to die.

Taran: "Well, you hang with bitches, you're going to get fleas."

Em: "Hi, Danny."

she stammers.

Dan doesn't say jack, his eyes widening and his jaw slacking further open. I get annoyed.

Bren: "What are you looking at?"

Danny: "A dead wolf."

He shakes his head.

Danny: "Celia's going to beat the crap out of you ..."

I bow my head and drag my hand through my hair."

Bren: "I know, man."

Danny: "Taran is going to set you on fire ..."

I drop my hand.

Bren: "I get it, Dan."

Danny: "Shayna, oh ... she's going to dice you into confetti ..."

Bren: "Tell me something I don't know, Dan."

Bren: "Here, you eat like a bird."

Danny: "Birds actually eat twice their weight."

Bren: "Shut up, Dan. I'm trying to keep her alive over here."

Holy shit. I've turned into Aric Connor.

Danny: "You bought Women's World."

Bren: "Yeah."

Danny: "And Redbook. And Glamour an-and Better Homes and Garden."

Bren: "So what? Why don't you go masturbate to women's golg and leave me the hell alone?"

Danny: "I don't do that."

He scowls.

Danny: "Anymore."

Bren: "None of this makes sense. I've known Emme for years. If she was really my mate, I would have known before last night."

Dan gives it some thought, not that it slows him down.

Danny: "Not necessarily. Sometimes it takes an intimate moment to triggers a wolf's recognition. Did anything different happen last night? I mean, before you actually slept together?"

Bren: "She kissed me like she always does."

Danny: "On the cheek?"

Bren: "Well, she tried. But then she accidently touched my lips with hers and then I ..."

Oh shit.

Bren: "All the magazines said I should bring these. Except for Better Homes and Garden. They tried to get me to grow them first. But there was also an article on how to arrange them. If you have a cup or something, I guess I can give it a shot."

Bren may not be ready for me. But the world is ready for us.


Check out the rest of the Weird Girl Series Below!

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