Michael's Wings
by Tiffany Reisz
Published by 8th Circle Press
Companion Collection for the Original Sinners series
Griffin has just popped the question—yes, that question—and Michael doesn’t have an answer.
He flees town for New Orleans to see his confidante and sometime-Domme, Mistress Nora. Will a weekend of beignets and beatings help him untangle his knotted-up heart?
Thus begins Michael's Wings, the eponymous novella that kicks off the latest entry in Tiffany Reisz's LAMBDA Literary Award-winning* Original Sinners series.
This companion collection to fan-favorite The Angel also contains six previously-published stories starring Mistress Nora's favorite angel and Griffin—his master, his true love, and the sexy-as-hell bane of Michael's existence.
Descriptive sex with BDSM
Michael's Wings is a companion novel to the Original Sinner's series, publishing previously six free short stories from Tiffany Reisz involving Michael and Griffin, as well as a brand new short story, called Michael's Wings.
I can't truly review this book, as it is short stories still. I will say, it gives a lot of definition to both Michael and Griffin as a couple, and as individuals. You can't help but finish this book without falling in love with them.

Michael's Wings
(Happens between The Virgin and The Queen)
Michael: "How's Father S?"
Nora: "Happy. Which makes me happy. Because when he's happy he's horny."
Nora: "So, Angel, tell me what brings you to my neck of the woods."
Michael: "Griffin asked me to marry him."
Nora: "What?"
Michael: "It's legal in New York now."
Raising both hands and waving them in a sarcastic hooray.
Michael: "They're recognizing out-of-state marriages, too. I know why too much about it. Griffin spoke to a lawyer already."
Nora: "Yes, I know it's legal in the state now. But so is tattooing a purple dick on your face. Doesn't mean you have to do it."
Michael: "You're making me wait for powdered sugar, fat, and joy?"
Nora: "It's for the best. Pro tip from an old pro - let them cool down first. I burned my tongue on a beighnet right after we moved here. Couldn't give a blowjob for a week. My priest was pissed."
Michael: "Nora, this town is weird."
Nora: "I know. I love it."
Michael: "He's not that old."
Nora: "I know, but he's going gray and it's killing me. I've always had a thing for older men. He said if I didn't stop groping him all the time he was going to start using a safeword on me. Rude, right?"
Michael: "How dare he."
Griffin: "Submit, sub."
Michael: "You'll never take me alive."
Griffin: "Are you dead?"
Michael: "No, sir."
Griffin: "I want to take you, but if I can't take you alive and you're not dead ... wither I'll have to kill you - gross - or you'll have to let me take you alive. What'll it be?"
Michael turned his head to the side, tapped his foot, wrinkled his nose.
Griffin: "Mick?"
Michael: "I'm deciding."
Griffin: "You brat. That's it. Dead or alive, you're getting it."
Melissa: "Look, you did some stupid, dangerous stuff when you were younger, kid, and I'm not going to sugarcoat it. But you're not going to relapse, and you're not going to die and leave Michael alone in the world."
Griffin rubbed tears off his face
Griffin: "But what if I do?"
Melissa: "If you get hit by a bus tomorrow, Michael will miss the hell out of you for a very long time. But he'll have me and his sister and all his friends to love him and take care of him, and eventually he'll be okay again. He won't hurt himself. He'll live his life in a way that honors how much you two loved each other. That's what'll happen if something happens to you. Got it?"
Griffin: "You're the best, Other Mom."
Melissa: "Back at you, Other Son."
Nora: "You get married because you want to get married. You don't get married if you don't want to get married. Why am I not married? I don't want to be married. Marriage would chafe, like too-tight lace panties, the kind that are like sandpaper on your asshole."
Michael: "Why can't we cut the cord?"
Nora: "Because the cord is made out of the same stuff our hearts are made of. That's why it's red."
Michael: "That explains it."
Nora: "Earth is just an island in space, and we're all stranded on it. There came a time I had to ask myself who did I want to be stranded on this island with? Someone who wanted to change me or someone who wouldn't change a hair on my head ... I'm not telling you that you should marry Griffin. What I will tell you is that I know you, and I know your heart. If your dad called and said he was sorry, that he wanted to start over with you, you'd give him a chance, right?"
Michael: "In a heartbeat."
Nora: "So the ball's in his court then. It's up to him to make that move. You marrying or not marrying Griffin has nothing to do with it. Your father is in the wrong. Only he can make it right. So you might as well do what you want to do."
Michael: "Hey, sir. You'll never guess where I'm calling you from."
Griffin: "Do I get a hint?"
Michael: "I'm wearing bondage cuffs, and I'm covered with welts and red candle wax."
Griffin: "I know where you're calling from - my dreams."
Michael: "You are so corny. Sir."
Griffin: "Love makes a man say corny things."
Michael: "Nora's a great sadist but she doesn't have your magic touch."
Griffin: "I have a magic touch? What's so magic about my touch?"
Michael: "It's you doing the touching."
Griffin: "Who's corny now?"
Griffin: "At least I didn't ask three years ago. I realized it was my cock doing the talking then."
Michael: "And now?"
Griffin: "My cock is still talking, but other parts of me are, too. You really want to know why I asked you?"
Michael: "I'm kind of curious."
Griffin: "For starters, because I love you. I love you, and I want to own you for the rest of my life. I'm happiest when you're tied to the bed and can't go anywhere. I bought you from your dad with a check for sixty-nine thousand dollars and if you'd cost a million times that I would have found a way to pay it even if I had to break into Fort Know and Dad's wallet. So that' why I want to marry you. Metal chains, cuffs, collar, leash, harness and d-ring, rope and wedding ring, I don't care. If there's even the tiniest way of making you more mine, one more way of owning you, one more way of keeping you tied to me, I want to do it, and I want to do it yesterday. I know that sounds possessive, but that's kind of our thing, right? But you're smart, Mick. You know you own me as much or more than I own you. And that's exactly how I want it."
Nora: "I have so many good ideas. For starters, all porn websites should be .cums, not .coms. Second, femdom should be taught in public schools."
Michael: "Dominants. Always marking your territory."
Nora: "I know, we're as bad as dogs sometimes. At least I didn't pee on you. This time anyway."
Michael: "I know it wasn't easy for you. You like to do things big and I like things small. So instead of asking me to marry you with a flash mob or skywriting..."
Griffin: "I was seriously considering a scavenger hunt."
Griffin: "Nora didn't let you come when you two played?"
Michael shook his head.
Griffin: "That sadistic bitch. I'm so much nicer than she is. I'll let you come ... eventually."
Griffin: "There, right there. The way you're looking at me right now ... that look that says you want it, you need it, and you need it from me because nobody else knows you the way I know you ... That's my whole life right there, Mick. You on your knees in front of me with that look on your face. That's my whole damn life."
Griffin: "You don't graduate until May anyway. And you'll be twenty-one by then. That's a respectable age for getting married."
Michael: "In 1952 maybe."
Griffin slapped Michael's ass.
Griffin: "You fell in love with an older man. You only have yourself to blame."
Griffin: "Mom, calm down. We're getting married in May, not tomorrow. We've literally been engaged an hour so we haven't figured out the guest list yet. Why didn't I call you an hour ago? We were, ah ... a little busy, okay? Don't be gross, Mom. I'm a virgin. What?"
Griffin listened
Griffin: "Mom wants to know what you're wearing for the wedding."
Michael: "A red latex catsuit."
Griffin raised his eyebrow.
Griffin: "We haven't figured that out yet."
Text messages:
Michael: So ... you want to be my Maid of honor?
Nora: Me? A maiden? Have you met me?
Michael: Matron of honor?
Nora: Do I look matronly to you?
Michael: Mistress of dishonor?
Nora: Now we're talking. I'm so happy for you both.
Michael: Thanks. This is the right thing, right?
Nora: Are you happy?
Michael: Very happy.
Nora: Then it's the right thing. Also, your priest sends his felicitations.
Michael: He actually said "felicitations"?
Nora: He's so weird.
Michael: IS he happy for us?
Nora: He must be. He just did a cartwheel. Pretty impressive move for someone his height.
Michael: You're an adult.
Nora: There goes the ceiling fan!
Michael: Bye, Nora.
Nora: "Love you, Angelface. You two are going to be insanely happy together forever.
Michael: Yeah, I think we are.
Griffin In Wonderland
Takes place seven years before The Angel
Griffin: "You don't look like an Eleanor."
Eleanor: "I hate my name. Change it for me."
Griffin: "He's ... a priest? Like a real priest?"
Eleanor: "He is."
Griffin: "You know Catholic priests aren't supposed to kiss drop-dead gorgeous girls like you."
Eleanor: "Okay. You go and tell him that."
Griffin: "Ah ... none of my business, I guess. I'm not Catholic."
Eleanor: "Nice to meet you, Griffin. Thanks for the hand. Hope I get to return the favor someday."
Takes place during The Angel
Michael: "This is our first night in your bed together and I'm being all emo again."
Griffin: "I love my emo-Mick."
Griffin: "Repeat after me, sub. Ready?"
Michael: "Ready."
Griffin: "Smartass."
Michael: "Smartass."
Griffin bit him hard on the back of the shoulder.
Michael: "I deserved that."
Griffin: "You did. Repeat after me: 'I am not a clam.'"
Michael: "What?"
Griffin: "Just say it."
Michael exhaled heavily
Michael: "I am not a clam."
Griffin: "I am a person."
Michael: "I am a person."
Griffin: "I answer the questions that my owner, the devastatingly handsome and charming Griffin Randolfe Fiske, asks me to answer..."
Micheal: "I answer the questions that my owner, the devastatingly handsome and charming Griffin Randolfe Fiske, asks me to answer..."
Griffin: "Because I am a person and not a clam."
Michael: "Because I am a person and not a clam."
Griffin: "So stop clamming up."
Griffin: "I turn into a bear when hungry. wait. Not a bear. Bad choice of words. I don't suddenly look like a huge gay man with tons of body hair, do I?"
Michael: "No, you're good. You still look metrosexual."
Griffin: "Thank God. I'm a busy trust fund baby without a real job. I don't have time to get my back waxed."
Griffin: "Alfred! Are you still awake?"
Alfred: "No. I've died and you are here, Master Griffin. I am in hell."
Griffin: "Good. Could you run into Hell's kitchen and make us some grilled cheeses? Like with the fancy cheese? And some fruit and healthy shit?"
Alfred: "Yes, Master Griffin. I will use the 'fancy' cheese. And rat poison."
Griffin: "Extra cheese on mine. Mick? That sound okay?"
Michael: "Sounds great."
Griffin: "Mick's fine with that."
Alfred: "I'm pleased to hear your infant approves of the midnight snack selection."
Griffin: "Can we have orange juice, too?"
Griffin winks at Michael
Alfred: "No, you m ay not. Orange juice is liquid candy."
Griffin: "It's good for re-hydration. I looked it up on Wiki."
Alfred: "Wikipedia, is not resource for researching one's moral quandaries. It is pornography for pseudo-intellectuals."
Griffin: "Make that two OJ's."
Alfred: "I pray nightly for the end of your tyranny, Master Griffin."
Griffin: "You feel so good, this should be illegal."
Michael: "What if it was?"
Griffin: "I don't care. I'd go to the chair for this."
Griffin: "That was pretty incredible. Was that incredible for you, too? Because I think my cock is ringing. Is that normal? I don't care. Never mind. Rhetorical question."
The Theory of the Moment
Takes place shortly after the end of The Angel
Melissa: "When he got a son eight years later, he was obsessed with him. Father-son everything all the time. Little league, soccer, weekend fishing trips ... 'Go take Erin and go shopping, honey. Mikey and I are spending the weekend doing guy stuff.' Didn't even once ask if I might want to go with them, or Erin. We were shut out. And then ... Michael turned twelve and all hell broke loose."
Griffin: "The perfect son went weird on Dad?"
Melissa: "Beyond weird. Something just happened. I don't know what but it was like Michael woke up and decided he had to be someone completely different. HE grew his hair out to his shoulders, started staying in his room all the time ... He'd always been quiet but suddenly he completely stopped talking. Whole days would pass without us hearing a peep out of him. He quit Little League, quit soccer, the Boy Scouts. He started skateboarding everywhere. And he started reading - not normal kids' books. Adult books. Books that scared me when I found them in his room. I lost my son overnight."
Griffin: "That's the thing, though - you didn't lose your son. Your son finally showed up."
Griffin: "I'm not ignoring your question. I'm trying to figure out how to answer it in a way that wouldn't make Mick puke if he overheard us talking. I think the last thing he wants is for me and his mom to talk about his sex life."
Melissa: "Talking about my son's ... sex life, is the very last thing I ever wanted to do either. I'm still trying to recover from some of the things I heard in the kitchen."
Griffin: "Yeah, the 69-ing joke was probably too much."
Melissa: "They don't actually make brain bleach, do they?"
Griffin: "If they did, my parents would own stock in the company."
Melissa: "I want my son to be able to breathe. I used to ... After he tried to kill himself, listening to him breathe became an obsession of mine. You do it when you're a new mother with a baby. Babies ... they're awful people. They'll stop breathing on you every now and then just to make sure you're paying attention. They go so quiet and still that your heart stops. And here I was with a fourteen-year-old with scars on his wrists and scars in his heart, and the only thing I could do was make sure he kept breathing."
Griffin: "Well, about Queen Nora ... she has this idea. She calls it 'The Theory of the Moment.' She believes that every person is born for one single moment in their lives, born for one purpose. Basically the whole world is a stage, we're all actors, a nd each one of us has a part in this play. And they're all important parts - even if it's one line or a starring role. She says we all get a chance for out moment, and that moment is the reason we're born. Slamming your asshole husband into the wall to keep Mick from hearing his father calling him a 'fag'? That was my moment. I know it in my soul. I know it better than I know my own name. I was born for that moment in your kitchen two days ago when I paid off your ex and got him out of your life, out of Mich's life. I'm sure that fucker called Mick a fag before. He might even try to do it again. But that day, Mick didn't have to hear it and he didn't have to hear it because of me. I made sure of it. I just thank God I didn't miss my cue."
Griffin: "Here's the thing, Melissa ... I don't know for sure about this but there's a damn good change that this is your moment. There are kids out there just like your son who get destroyed by living on this planet. They can't breathe the air around them so they find a way to leave this earth. Sometimes it's drugs. Sometimes it's booze. Sometimes it's self-destructive promiscuity. Sometimes they cut out the middleman and blow their brains out on the kitchen floor. I know what I'm talking about. I had a gay friend in high school who came out to his parents. He tried to kill himself. He survived the first attempt. HE didn't survive the second. "
Griffin reached across the table and took her hand in his
Griffin: "Look ... You have the chance right now to accept your son. I'm not talking about 'tolerating' him. Tolerance is a slap in the face. You tolerate your nosy neighbors. You love your son. You love him, you accept him, you cheer him on, and you don't judge him for one second. You tell him God made him the way he is because that's the part he's meant to play. And when Mick's onstage having his moment, you stand up and applaud. He loves me, he's crazy about me. But that doesn't change the fact you're his mom. This could be your moment."
Melissa: "You think it is?"
Griffin: "Maybe. Maybe not. But if it is, trust me, you don't want to miss it. Because if you hit it just right it feels like the whole damn world is on its feet applauding you. And you get to keep that feeling for the rest of your life."
Melissa: "I won't miss my cue, I promise."
Griffin: "I believe you."
The Couch
Takes place shortly after The Angel
Michael: "Griffin and I got in a fight."
Nora: "Aww ... Your first fight. This is one for the scrapbook. Please tell me it's about something totally stupid."
Michael: "It's about the new couch."
Nora: "Perfect."
Nora: "You know you're Griffin's first serious relationship, right?"
Michael: "He's my first serious relationship, too. One of us needs to know what we're doing."
Nora: "Nobody knows what they're doing."
Michael: "I can't relax."
Nora: "You better relax that tight ass of yours. Soon as he gets back you'll spend five minutes talking about it and the next three hours fucking."
Nora: "Griffin's been handed everything he's ever wanted in his life. Other than getting clean, you're the only thing he's ever had to work for."
Michael: "I belong to him. He doesn't have to work for me at all."
Nora: "Well, for God's sake don't tell him that."
Michael: "Holy fuck, that's awesome."
Griffin: "What is? Me fucking your ass while stroking your cock? Or the couch?"
Michael laughed
Michael: "It is a nice couch."
A Better Distraction
Takes Place shortly after The Angel
Griffin: "You can wear these jeans there if you want. They're religious jeans."
Michael: "Your jeans are religious?"
Griffin: "They're holey."
Mick's entire body went limp as he started to slide off the bed.
Michael: "Sorry. That joke was so bad I lost consciousness for a second."
Griffin: "Mick?"
Michael: "Yes, sir?"
Griffin: "Draw me like one of your French girls."
Mick only stared at him.
Griffin: "Oh, God, I'm going to feel really fucking old if you haven't seen Titanic."
Griffin: "Are you trying to find a good angle for the sketch?"
Michael: "No. I'm just trying to see how long I can be weird before you call me out on it."
Griffin: "I'm calling you out on it, weirdo."
Michael: "I just want a hint of cock in the drawing which is why you should keep your pants on."
Griffin: "My cock doesn't hint."
Michael: "You're already planning us being together at Christmas?"
Griffin: "What? Did you think I'd get tired of you between now and four months from now?"
Michael: "It crossed my mind."
Griffin: "Uncross your mind. Jesus, Mick, I've already planned out ten-year-anniversary party. It's in Scotland, by the way. I'm going to have to get you your own kilt."
Griffin: "Aiden's the one I want to fix your mom up with."
Michael: "My mom isn't old enough to date."
Griffin: "You keep saying that but I will totally make this happen. Did you just whimper like a dying cat?"
Michael: "I might have."
Griffin: "Is this how you see me?"
Michael: "Yeah. But that's how you look."
Griffin: "I'm this hot?"
Michael nodded
Michael: "That hot. And really, it doesn't do you justice."
Griffin: "I love you. And I own you."
Michael: "I know you do, sir."
Christmas In Suite 37A
Takes place two years and three months after The Angel
Griffin: "Wow. Did you learn how to do a Catholic guilt trip from your mom or from Søren?"
Nora: "Neither. I'm a natural."
Griffin: "I'm doing it again. I'm rick. I'm healthy. My family is healthy and happy. I have the best friends in the world. I am blessed."
Nora: "Don't forget you're also gorgeous, and you have a big cock."
Three elderly women whipped their heads around to look at him. He gave the three women a polite smile and a little wave.
Nora: "Surely you believe in something. You go to NA meetings. Isn't the first step at NA and AA something about giving it up to a higher power?"
Griffin: "Third step - We make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understand Him."
Nora: "So what higher power did you turn your life over to then?"
Griffin: "David Bowie."
Nora: "Of course you did."
Griffin: "God has a good PR person, too."
Griffin gave Nora a pinch on the ass as she went to sit down in the pew
Nora: "I'm not in PR. Just another satisfied customer."
Griffin: "You banged a priest last night, didn't you?"
Nora: "Yup."
Griffin: "What did you pray for?"
Nora: "Nothing."
Griffin: "Nothing?"
Nora: "I tried. But I kept having sex flashbacks from last night. Don't worry. God's used to this from me."
Nora: "You are the proverbial hot mess, my love."
Griffin: "Tell me something I don't know."
Søren offers him a handshake
Griffin: "No kiss?"
Griffin hugs him just to see the look on his face.
Søren: "I believe I liked you better when I didn't like you, Griffin."
Griffin rested his head on Søren's chest. He felt and heard Søren's sigh.
Griffin: "Cuddle me, big guy. Sing me a lullaby with your pretty priest voice."
Søren: "I'm discovering a new hard limit. At this very moment, in fact."
Griffin looks up at him
Griffin: "Has anyone ever told you that you have resting bitch face?"
Søren: "This isn't resting. This is quite active."
Griffin: "Remember when I'd piss you off at the club, and you'd choke me Darth Vader-style?"
Søren: "I believe that's what's referred to as 'the good old days.'"
Søren patted Griffin on the top of the head.
Søren: "Don't miss your flight."
Griffin: "She doesn't know you very well if she thinks you want me for my money. You obviously want me for my cock."
Michael: 'Obviously."
Michael: "You two were together ten years ago?"
Bitzi: "We were."
Michael: "Back when Griffin was on drugs? Now it all makes sense."
Griffin snort-laughed
Griffin: "If I don't get inside you soon, I'm going to die. Literally. Bleeding to death on the floor. You don't want to kill me, do you?"
Michael: "If you don't get inside me soon, it won't matter. I'll be dead, too."
Griffin: "I missed making love to you."
Michael: "Is that what this is?"
Griffin: "I love you,so it has to be."
Griffin: "So we're doing this? This forever thing? I'm not asking you to marry me. I'm just saying no more breaks. If something's broken, we fix it. We don't throw it out."
Michael: "Go easy on me. Jared Leto, not Adam Lambert, okay?"
Griffin: "I'll make you look like Ozzy Osbourne if you try to tell me wha I can do to you again."
Michael: "Ozzy who?"
Griffin: "Oh, you're getting it now, sub."
Michael: "Is that somebody from long, long ago? Like your childhood?"
Griffin: "Keep cruisin' for a bruisin', pain slut. I have the misery stick with me, and I'm not afraid to use it."
Michael: "Yellow."
Griffin: "Oh my God ... The pain slut cries mercy. I never thought I'd live to see this day."
Michael: "You're a sadist..."
Griffin: "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, slut."
Griffin: "You know ... we could pick your mom up and go to the ski lodge. Lucas and the kids are all sick so they aren't coming this year. There's plenty of spare rooms. Although your mom and Aiden could just shack up. He thinks she's hot..."
Michael: "My mother is my mother. She is not hot."
Griffin: "She is a stone cold fox. She looks like Jennifer Connelly."
Michael: "Who?"
Griffin: "She was the chick in Labyrinth. Aiden totally wants to be her Goblin King."
Michael: "You're creeping me out so much right now."
Griffin: "He told me you and I had to get back together so he could continue to woo your mom. He wants to woo the fuck outta her."
Michael: "Now I know why Nora tells Father S she hates him all the time."
Griffin: "It's meant to be. They're both divorced, same age. They both have kids about the same age, both cute as hell."
Michael: "Can you just beat me some more if you're feeling this sadistic?"
Griffin: "If your mom and Aiden get married, then my half-brother will be your step-father, and that'll make me your uncle."
Michael: "That's it. I'm going back to Rome."
Griffin: "No. You never get to leave me again. Especially not if we're going to be family."
Michael: "Wings."
Griffin ignores his safe word
Griffin: "Call me Uncle Griffin."
#bdsm #chosenfamily #alpha #agegap #rich #trouble #dom #firstlove #loveatfirstsight #submissive #threesome #trauma